ล The thirty-sixth consonant of the
Thai alphabet
ลง v. to descend, to get off, to
alight, to step down, to come down, get out of; to decrease, to reduce, to
abate, to recede, to drop, to fall, to bring down; to cast, to put in; to quit,
to withdraw; to begin, to start; to write, to inscribe, to record; to publish;
to obey, to be convinced; to plant, to cultivate, to grow; to ebb
ลงกลอน v. to latch, to bolt
ลงขัน, ลงเงิน v. to take share in the
expenses, to help defray expenses
ลงข่าว v. to publish the news
ลงแขก v. to gather to help at harvest
time; slang to rape enmasse, to ravish
ลงความเห็น v. to make comments on; to
ลงคอ adv. Hardheartedly, shamelessly,
ลงคะแนน v. to ballot, to vote
ลงแจ้งความ v. to advertise, to put in
an advertisement
ลงชื่อ v. to sign, to autograph; to
ลงแดง v. to suffer from bloody diarrhea